Wrongfully Accused – 1998

Wrongfully Accused Yet another Leslie Nielsen

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This time around the movie poke ‘fun’ at the Fugitive, North by North West and the Naked Gun Movie (also staring Mr Nielsen), Braveheart, and River Dance (wth??). Tiatanic really? . This time its the one armed, one legged, one eyed bartender who done it!  Do you got’s to know punk?  Although  Richard Crenna character Lieutenant Fergus Falls its actually funny and sarcastic.  There is a classic line in the movie ‘This is where smart end, and dead begins’, well frankly that was right after the opening credits.

Wrongfully also stars Kelly Lebrock (Weird Science), but with a pumped up Collagen face and about an extra pounds, Melinda McGraw and Michael York (Logan’s Run) wrap of the head cast as this movie again heads into Neilson stupidity.

2 Crappers and a pull my finger.

Rated PG-13 for sex-related humor and language.

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